Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Transfering & Trio

Have you ever thought about transfering and continuing your education on to receieve a higher degree? Some people come to SCCC/ATS to just get an associates and go straight to the work force. While others want to get a bachelors degree which is a four year degree so they transfer after two years here at SCCC/ATS. Some jobs pay more the higher the degree you recieve. This is always a good thing! Seward County is a great place to start and we have many services to offer each student who plans on transfering. One of theses services available is Trio! Trio is a student support service and all students are welcome to apply. It is for first generation or low income students that need extra help while at SCCC/ATS. They offer advising, financial advice, and even tutoring. Some student's parents have never had a kid in college or been to college themselves so they are also new to it all. Trio can help you make that next step an easier one. They even take students on transfer visits to other colleges for free! It's definetly something to think about! Marissa Wiggins :)

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